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Loam Soil Wildflowers- 100% wild flower seed mix

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Loam Soil Wildflowers- 100% wild flower seed mix

Loam Soil Wildflowers- 100% wild flower seed mix

  Our ref: MM6(F)_1
  • For light well drained soils
  • Native Wildflower seed mix
  • desirable species eg. Meadow Cranesbill
  • 100 % British wild flower seed
Great for pollinatorsGreat for pollinators
enquire about this item
minus0plus 10 gms, 100% wild flower seed mix = £13.95
minus0plus  50 gms, 100% wild flower seed mix = £34.85
minus0plus  100 gms, 100% wild flower seed mix = £52.25
minus0plus  1000 gms (1Kg), wild flower seed mix = £379.95

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Our 100% Wildflower mixtures contain a wide variety of species blended in the various percentages listed below, to provide a well-balanced and cost effective combination. Within each mix we also try to include some particularly desirable species. Often these seeds are of dearer species not always to be found in other suppliers` mixtures. Wildflower only mixes can be sown onto prepared soil or used to oversow existing grassland. Please note that all wild flower seed within our mixtures is of Native British provenance. Our mixtures are available for dispatch throughout the year. For full details of the seeds contained within our mixtures and selections, please refer to the description box
below, and to view photos of some of the individual species included, please click the `bundled items` box.

A 100% WILDFLOWER mixture containing a variety of species suited to well drained loamy soils, typical of lowland meadows. Such soils are usually light and easily crumbled. Sow at 1 grams per square metre or 4 Kgs per acre

Mixture specification
(all percentages by seed weight)
100% Wild flower

* Species marked with an asterisk are included on the RHS list of Perfect for Pollinators

Perfect for pollinators

please click the BUNDLED ITEMS tab above to view photos of all individual species contained within this mix, which can also be purchased individually

*BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL Lotus corniculatus 2.5 % of mix
*BLACK KNAPWEED Centaurea nigra 7.5 % of mix
COMMON SORREL Rumex acetosa 9.5 % of mix
*COWSLIP Primula veris 8 % of mix
*FIELD SCABIOUS Knautia arvensis 5 % of mix
*LADY`S BEDSTRAW Galium verum 7.5 % of mix
*MEADOW BUTTERCUP Ranunculus acris 6 % of mix
*MEADOW CRANESBILL Geranium pratense 5 % of mix
*MUSK MALLOW Malva moschata 5 % of mix
*OXEYE DAISY Leucanthemum vulgare 6.5 % of mix
RIBWORT PLANTAIN Plantago lanceolata 5.5 % of mix
*ROUGH HAWKBIT Leontoden hispidus 5 % of mix
*SELF HEAL Prunella vulgaris 6 % of mix
*TUFTED VETCH Vicia cracca 7.5 % of mix
*YARROW Achilla millefolium 2.5 % of mix
*YELLOW RATTLE Rhinanthus minor 11 % of mix
Printed 24/01/2025 03:28:44
mm6 f _1 a 100 wildflower mixture containing a variety of species suited to well drained loamy soils typical of lowland meadows such soils are usually light and easily crumbled sow at 1 grams per square metre or 4 kgs per acre
£2.95 New


Wildflowers UK, Supplier of Native British Wildflower meadow mixtures, Wildflower seeds, Urban mixtures, Wildflower plant plugs & bulbs to commercial & private buyers